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Delian Lincourt






Turn Me On (Feature)                             Co-Worker 2/Day Player        Blue Creek Pictures - Michael Tyburski

All I Had (Short)                                              Mindy/Lead                BTB Film Production - John Fitzpatrick

Creeping Death (Feature)                                 Danielle Wes/Lead       Samfear Productions - Matt Sampere/Dir

Friendly Distractions (Feature)                            Janet/Lead                  Adrian Lopez - Director 

BIOTA  (Award Winning Short)                         Jane/Lead                   JosiahX Prodcutions - Josiah Moore/Dir

Superior (Feature Sundance Film)                      Day Player                   Erin Vassilopoulos/Dir                        

Annex                                                           Eve/Lead                     Amelia Wyeth Ponirakis 

We Had Each Other                                        IRA/Lead                    Purple Riot Films - Kelly Gallagher/Dir

Halloween Inferno Part III                                 Cindy/Lead                 Colemanfilms - James Coleman/Dir

Halloween Inferno Part II                                  Cindy/Lead                 Colemanfilms - James Coleman/Dir       




Audition MasterClass: The BGB Studio LA

Meisner Technique: Actors Workshop of Ithaca

Meisner Technique: Corning Community College

Acting & Success: Bernard Hiller 

Acting for TV/Film: New York Film Academy






Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Athletic, Piano, Guitar, Barista, Wake-boarding, Archery, British Accent, Swing Dance, Ultimate Frisbee, Good with Kids, Construction Experience, Wood Chopping, Drivers License.


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